Charter of Cultural Rights
Our Vision
We want every child attending our school to develop cultural and social capital so that they have a knowledge and understanding of the society they live in, and are fully able to participate in it.
Our Curriculum
Crown Wood Primary School’s curriculum reflects our commitment to providing children with opportunities to learn about and through cultural and social activities. Through our curriculum, the children will:
- Have Forest School every year;
- Learn about the rights of other people and living things;
- Learn about other places and cultures;
- Develop ‘international mindedness’ (i.e. being curious about the world and globally aware);
- Have regular music and singing lessons with everybody in Year 4 receiving tuition in an instrument from Berkshire Maestros;
- Have art & design lessons;
- Learn about dance as part of the Physical Education (PE);
- Have opportunities to use drama and role play throughout the curriculum;
- Use film / moving image media / sound media throughout the curriculum;
- Learn about the major world religions;
- Learn about significant historical, cultural, social and religious events;
- Learn about significant historical and contemporary figures from a diverse range of backgrounds;
- Learn and use oracy skills;
Trips & Visitors
During their time at Crown Wood Primary, children will experience a wide variety of educational trips and visitors. These include:
- A residential trip in Year 4 (2 nights) and Year 6 (5-6 nights);
- A ‘national’ museum (e.g. Natural History Museum, Science Museum, British Museum);
- An art gallery (e.g. Tate Modern);
- Nearby museums and educational places (e.g. ‘The Look Out’, Butser Ancient Farm, Reading Museum);
- Significant local / nearby place(s) (e.g. Savernake Park, South Hill Park, RHS Wisley, Windsor Castle)
- Professional play(s) / production(s);
- A visit to a library and / or a visit from a local Librarian;
- A live music performance (e.g. orchestra, band etc);
- A visit from an author, poet or artist;
- A visit from a professional athlete;
Performances / Exhibitions / Events
Children will have the opportunity to perform to a variety of audiences during their time at Crown Wood:
- Christmas Sing-a-long (Nursery);
- Nativity Play (Reception);
- Harvest Assembly (Year 1);
- Summer Production (Year 6);
- Curriculum ‘Exit Points’ showcasing class work and home learning (Years 1-6);
- Present in different ways to a range of audiences (Oracy) (Years 2, 3 & 5)
- To display or share a piece of art work they have created;
- To play a musical instrument to an audience (e.g. iRock, Berkshire Maestros);
- Armistice Day (Years 1-6);
- World Book Day (All years);
- To compete in a sports team and / or take part in competitive sport (e.g. Inter- or Intra-school competitions and leagues, Sports Day etc);
Volunteering and Links with the Wider Community
Children will have opportunities to volunteer, take part in community events and represent the school in a variety of ways through:
- Fund raising activities to support local, national and international causes;
- Volunteering in the community (e.g. a litter pick, visiting a care home, taking donations to a foodbank);
- Standing for election as a School Councillor, House Captain / Vice-Captain, Sports Councillor, Eco Councillor or Maths Ambassador;
- Volunteering to be a Peer Mediator or Library Assistant;
- Opportunities for the School Choir to perform regularly to the school, our community and at local events (Years 1-6);
- Visits by Town and Borough Councillors; Member of Parliament;
- Visiting place(s) of worship and / or a visit from local religious leader;
Extra-Curricular Activities
Children will have further optional opportunities to pursue sporting, artistic and cultural interests and / or to perform. The school will:
- Facilitate opportunities to watch a professional sports match (e.g. through schemes run by Reading FC and Bees Ice Hockey Club);
- Junior Music Festival and / or Lexicon Christmas Concert;
- Signpost and advertise opportunities for children to join local sports teams;
- Provide facilities for peripatetic music teachers;
- Provide a wide range of sporting, artistic and other after-school activities;
- Rent the school hall and grounds to external organisations providing services that support the objectives of the Charter of Cultural Rights;
- Signpost children to external clubs and organisations which provide sporting and cultural activities;