Personal and Social Development
At Crown Wood Primary School, we provide children with opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour, a positive, caring attitude towards others, an understanding of their social and cultural traditions and an appreciation of the diversity of other cultures.
All curriculum areas contribute to a child’s social, mortal, spiritual and cultural (SMSC) development and opportunities for this are planned in each unit of work (e.g. through the International Mindedness’ aspect of the International Primary Curriculum). A particular emphasis on SMSC development, however, is included in Religious Education (RE) and Collective Worship, Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship, Art and Design, Music and Languages.
All adults model and promote expected behaviour, treating all people as valuable individuals and showing respect for pupils and their families. The integrity and spirituality of other faith backgrounds are respected and explored. Children learn to differentiate between right and wrong and to understand the consequences of their actions. They are encouraged to value themselves and others. Children begin to understand their rights and responsibilities and the need to respect others. We are sensitive to the needs and backgrounds of all children and are careful not to reflect gender or cultural stereotypes.
Our current SMSC calendar can be found here.
Use the links in the right hand menu to find out more about: Charter of Cultural Rights, Religious Education (RE) and collective worship, 'Mind to be Kind' and Relationships, Health and Sex Education.