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Crown Wood Primary School

Car Parking​​​​​​​

The car park is part of the school site - there is no automatic public access; it is NOT a public car park. We are required by Bracknell Forest Council, under the terms of the 2012 planning consent, to restrict access to the car park to staff, visitors and those holding a valid permit during school drop off and pick up times.

Permits are required between 8.00am and 9.00am and 2.45pm and 3.45pm, Monday – Friday, during term time. Outside those times, the car park is available for people attending Community Centre Events only.

Permits are issued based on a strict criterion. They are valid for one year only and a new application must be made annually. The permits allow access to the car park only and does not guarantee a parking space, which are allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Disabled bays are also available to those with ‘blue badges’. 

Visitors to the school or volunteers should ask the office for a temporary permit. Staff are also issued with permits.

The permits, which are designed to hang on the rear-view mirror, must be clearly visible on entry to the car park and remain displayed while your car is parked.

If you do not have a permit, you must not drive into the car park, even to ‘drop off’ and go.  Our site team and senior staff will be regularly checking vehicles as they come into the car park. Those without permits will be turned away.

We hope that parents will support the school by following the rules by only driving into the car park if they have a permit. The school does not have a choice about implementing or enforcing the car parking permit scheme and its operation is closely monitored by the Council.

It is our preference that enforcement is generally ‘light touch’ because parents are cooperating with the parking scheme and staff are treated with respect. However, we may have to consider using a specialist company – who may issue fines - to manage access to the car park on our behalf if this is not the case.

We encourage parents to consider walking, cycling or scooting to school instead of driving. As a school, we will be looking at how we can support children doing this. For those of you who have to drive, but do not get a permit, please be considerate to our neighbours at drop off and picking up times.

If you wish to apply for a parking permit, please click here

Excerpt from the School's Travel Plan

3.15  The on-site visitor parking provision will be managed by the school and will be available for use by those parents with a valid parking permit. The permits will allow parents to park onsite to drop off and pick up children. The school’s site controller will be responsible for monitoring parents using the car park to ensure that only parents displaying a valid permit use the designated visitor spaces.

3.16 The school will initially offer parking permits to those parents who car share i.e. carrying two or more children. This will help to achieve the objectives of this School Travel Plan by reducing the overall number of car trips associated with the journey to and from school and encouraging a greater uptake of car sharing. If the number of parents applying for a permit (on the basis that they agree to car share) exceeds the number of parking spaces available, priority will be given to those who live furthest away from the school. However, if the number of parents who apply for a permit (on the basis that they agree to car share) is less than the number of permits available then the school will enter a second stage of the permit allocation process. The second stage will involve parking permits being offered to parents (for the remainder of the permits available after the uptake by car sharers) on an unrestricted basis, with priority given to parents who live furthest from the school (e.g. those residing greater than 1.2km from the school).

3.17 In accepting the parking permit the parent will be entering into a formal agreement with the school. Where a permit has been awarded on the basis that car sharing will take place, the school will reserve the right to withdraw the permit if the parent does not comply with the rules. The permit would then be offered to another parent.