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Crown Wood Primary School

The 10 Step Journey Writing Survey​​​​​​​

60 children across Years 1 to 6 took part in a survey about the ‘10 Step Writing Journey’.

The 10 Step Writing Journey is the process we use to teach writing and includes learning about the genre, teaching of skills, planning, drafting, editing and the final write up into their Writing Journal. 69% of the children said their favourite steps were the editing and the final write. This is because they like improving their work and feel proud when the final piece is completed. 99% of the children said they found the teacher’s marking very useful to help with the editing process.

It was very noticeable that children whose attendance was < 90% found the drafting process difficult because they had missed so many steps of the journey, especially the teaching of skills. 40% of these children stated the teaching of skills was their least favourite part and this lack of engagement means they lack skills to complete their plans and drafts.

Please ensure your children attend school as often as they can. Poor attendance impacts not only the progress they make in their writing but also other important subjects such as Maths and Reading.

Mrs S Thomas (Deputy Headteacher & Writing Leader)