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Crown Wood Primary School

Relationships, Health & Sex Education​​​​​​​

Relationships & Sex Education (RSE)

At Crown Wood Primary School the aim of relationships and sex education is to ensure that children have adequate support through their physical, emotional and moral development.  It is hoped that they will learn to respect themselves and others and move confidently with knowledge and understanding through childhood and adolescence.  Parents are always informed when children receive education in sex and relationships in order that they may support this work at home.  However, parents have the right to withdraw their children from all or part of sex education, but not from those aspects covered by relationships education, health education or the science curriculum.

Further information about our Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) approach can be found below.

Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Education

At Crown Wood Primary School we aim to help young people develop a wide range of personal and social skills and give them information which will enable them to develop a positive attitude and prevent them becoming involved in substance misuse.  It is intended, that with greater knowledge and understanding, pupils will feel confident in making informed decisions and be able to resist peer pressure.