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Crown Wood Primary School


In Years 1-6, we use the '10 Day Step Journey' to apprentice children into writing in different styles / genres / purposes for a range of audiences.   This is a Trust wide approach to the teaching of writing.  

The 10-Step Writing Journey is a phased approach that allows the children to be immersed in a) content knowledge, b) genre features and c) high quality examples.  Our curriculum mapping accounts for teaching, rehearsal, forgetting, remembering and embedding within and across academic years.  Each unit will always focus on one of the 4 main purposes of writing, with an appropriate genre/task: 

  • To entertain: Narrative, poem, character/setting description and, play script.
  • To persuade: Speech, letter, advert and campaign.
  • To inform: Newspaper, report, recount, biography and essay.
  • To discuss: Balanced argument, newspaper and review.

A range of stimuli are used to inspire the children’s writing including high quality texts, film clips, practical activities, trips and visits as well as links to the International Primary Curriculum (IPC).  The latter allows for purposeful cross-curricular writing and an opportunity to practice skills away from the teaching.

The specific teaching of grammar, punctuation, spelling and handwriting are key components of the teaching of writing.  Children are expected to apply what they learn in ‘GaPS’ and handwriting lessons in their writing across the curriculum.

You can download our writing curriculum overview below.  Further writing resources can be accessed here and you can visit the appropriate year group pages for their annual overviews and timetables using the following links:

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Year 4 Year 5 Year 6