Reading & Phonics
Reading is vital for future learning and the cornerstone of a child’s education. Our vision is for all children to develop the skills they need to become fluent, confident readers and develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information. We believe reading should be an enjoyable experience, which allows children to develop both their imagination and their vocabulary. Children will become empowered to comprehend a variety of text genres, talk about books and read out loud with confidence.
In EYFS, children are exposed to pre-reading activities (e.g. songs, rhyming, being read to and looking at picture books) and phonics. The children are taught phonics using Read, Write, Inc (RWI) daily, alongside regular 1:1 guided sessions and story groups. In Y2, phonics is consolidated and the children move to group and then whole class guided reading. In KS2, reading is taught through whole class guided reading using high quality, relevant and challenging texts across a range of genres. Children below the expected standard or making slow progress receive additional 1:1 tuition until they catch up.
We use Pearson's Bug Club as our primary reading scheme, supplemented by other banded books. Decodable books are available for Reception and Y1. There are no 'free readers' - every child is working on a reading target to develop their decoding, comprehension and vocabulary skills. Readers are supported to develop stamina and speed and given multiple opportunities to respond to the texts they read.
Children are encouraged to read for pleasure through visits to the school library and the Summer Reading Challenge. Teachers are encouraged to read a class novel to their class. We have developed a Reading Spine which identifies the books we value and want the children to have read by the time they leave primary education.
You can download our reading curriculum overview below. Further reading resources can be accessed here and you can visit the appropriate year group pages for their annual overviews and timetables using the following links:
Year 1 | Year 2 | Year 3 |
Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 |