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Crown Wood Primary School

In-year admissions

To apply for a place in Reception after 1 September and for admission into Years 1 to 6 at Crown Wood Primary School, parents should contact the school to obtain the In-Year Application Form.  Alternatively, this can be downloaded below and completed electronically or by hand. The In-Year Application Form should be completed and returned directly to the school either by hand, by post or by email to 

Where there are more applicants than places available, the school will maintain a waiting list according to the oversubscription criteria detailed in the school’s admission arrangements without regard to the date the application was received or when a child’s name was added to the waiting list.

Positions on the waiting lists may go down as well as up. This is because other children may be added to the waiting list who have a greater priority for a place against the school’s admission criteria; for example, when new families move into the area or when other families who had not previously named Crown Wood Primary School as a preference, ask to go on the waiting list after the initial allocations date.